
Southeastern University Missions
In order for Por Siempre Ministries to be born, God allowed Jonathan while he was still a student at SEU to be able to capture how God was moving around the world through Southeastern University Missions Department in partnership with a variety of Christ-centered ministries around the world.
These films hold a special place in our hearts as they were a seed God used to step in faith after graduation to continue sharing stories of miracles and the power of the love of Jesus around the world.
Por Siempre Ministries — це міжнародний рух, присвячений представленню Ісуса теперішнім і майбутнім поколінням ресурсів, мобілізації , навчання, зйомки та оснащення як окремих осіб, так і організації .
Southeastern University Missions 2018
This video highlights how God moves a variety of nations such as Zambia, Brazil, Morocco, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, and Indonesia.

Over a span of four years serving Southeastern Univerity as individuals and a couple (2018-2021), we are honored to have witnessed the incredible power of the love of Jesus.
While SEU partnered with a variety of ministries, we recognized the real need for media. Many of these ministries had no resources to share the miracles God had done and doing. There was a gap that the world was not hearing of how God still healing, still providing, still at work in the darkest places of this world.
This birthed the ministry that is Por Siempre which is forced on sharing testimonies that last forever pointing back to Jesus and resourcing ministries with media tools.